Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sharpie Mug DIY

My mom often tells me that I'm an overachieving Mommy. I'm never quite sure if this is a compliment. She tells me it is, in fact, a good thing - that it just means I'm an overachiever in the DOM (Department of Mom). Since I'm not part of the world of "working moms," who have their jobs for creative outlets, I often search for crafts or DIY projects at home to keep my creative juices flowing. Plus - it's either keep my fingers busy, or my fingers find refuge in the candy bowl or the mall.

So today, after tearing into the Girl Scout Cookies that found their way to our home over the weekend, I decided I better get going with something crafty or pay the price. Awhile back I found a DIY for Sharpie Dollar Tree mugs. This particular pin illustrated some ADORABLE Valentine's Day themed mugs. My oldest son will be having a Valentine's Day party on Friday at school and I thought these mugs would be the perfect gift for his teachers. Filled with some yummy sweets, of course! Here's how my version turned out...

This project was SO EASY! It took about 5 minutes to draw on the mugs and another 30 minutes to finish them in the oven. The result is oh-so-cute! Without further ado - the directions for my Overachieving Mommy Sharpie Mugs...

Sharpie Mug DIY
White Mug (I purchased mine for $1 each at Dollar Tree)
Sharpie Paint Markers - color of your choice (make sure they are the oil based Paint version of Sharpie)
Conventional Oven

Draw a design of your choice on the mug with the Sharpie Paint Markers. Place mugs on a cookie sheet in a cold oven. Set oven to 350 degrees. When oven reaches 350 degrees, set timer for 20 minutes. Let the mugs cool in the oven. Hand-washing is recommended to preserve the design.

That's it! With these simple directions, you too can be an overachieving Mommy! Happy crafting!!!

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