Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Product of Persuasion

If you've noticed during my last few posts that my photography seems a bit rudimentary, it's because for the last several weeks I have been without my baby. My Nikon D3100 that is. Yup...there are models out there that far surpass the ability of my humble little DSLR. But I love her and I had a really hard time convincing my husband to see the value in making said purchase. 

So, imagine my dismay (and the argument that ensued) when our new dog (who was also the subject of a little spousal persuasion) pulled my baby off the end table with her teeth. Unfortunately, the camera was damaged and took nothing but black pictures. Off to Nikon she was shipped and, $150 later, she is back. It was like Christmas morning waiting for the UPS delivery today. Oh how I have missed her. Welcome home, sweetie!

Just in time for a photography class that is scheduled for next weekend. Which, by the way, was rescheduled today for MAY, due to the weather. It's an outdoor photography class. You would think that it would be safe to schedule an outdoor photography class at the beginning of April.'s Iowa. The land of what is shaping up to be The Eternal Winter. 

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